Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24-30

Here's my report for last week. I did not accomplish my 18 miles goal due to spending Friday morning at Urgent Care getting Savannah's foot stitched up. And then I spent any freetime on Saturday shopping with Jessica and Mikayla for Jessica's Homecoming dress. Now I am left with the task of walking megamiles (18.2) by the end of the month to finish my "60 miles in August" goal. But, I think I'll make it! I officially lost 2 pounds this week and may have finally broken through a plateau. I have been at the same weight every Saturday since week 2 of the game. I hope to lose 3 more in the next two weeks. Wish me luck!

Keep me informed about your week!!!! And keep up the good work!


ANTSYLLI said...

Hooray for losing 2 lbs! I am proud of you for keeping to your goal. I was going to get up at 4am to get my walking in before work, but didn't sleep well last night so ended up doing it this evening. I just finished 69 minutes on the treadmill. My distance was a little over 2.7 miles. I am still hot and sweaty as I type this. I was really tired today so had to dig deep for this one.

Cassie Rakes said...

Wow, Sylvia that is awesome. You are putting me to shame. when i sleep-in and say that I'll do it at night. . I never do, that is amazing.

Today we played a little tennis for FHE, it felt good to get moving and get out of the house.

Leslie said...

Good job, Maura!! I didn't join this in the beginning, but I've just joined a gym and have started working out. Since I don't know anyone here yet, and the gym has child-care, it seemed like a good choice for me at this stage!

I worked out yesterday evening, and this morning. (That's really good for me.) I even got all sweaty, which I HATE and which is a big reason why I have avoided much exercise in the past. It actually felt good. I don't know how I'll feel about it all tomorrow, but we'll see!

ANTSYLLI said...

The Zoo last night was wonderful! I didn't do any other exercise because of getting home so late. Today after work, I ran some errands and then we had dinner at my Dad's. Didn't get home until after 7pm. I read scriptures for half an hour and then did 4 fast miles with Leslie. It was the first time I had done that DVD in a couple of months. It was hard, but I made it through. I am going to put that into my weekly routine. I am loving this sweating!! Eric is so good to cheer me on. He helps me keep going when it gets rough.

ANTSYLLI said...

And Cassie, I don't have two small children to take care of all day. My hat is off to you for doing what you do every day!

Go Leslie!! I don't like sweating either, but am learning to enjoy being all hot and sweaty. It feels great! Keep up the good work.

Cassie Rakes said...

So I am loosing my momentum. I haven't had a good workout routine or eating day in quite a while. What helps keep you all motivated and on track? I have relapsed on sugar and I just can't seem to stop.